Insight | Germany | Cushman & Wakefield (2024)

Insight | Germany | Cushman & Wakefield (1)

Das Fundamentunserer Ideen: Fundierte Expertise, solide Recherchen und tiefe Kenntnisse des Marktes. So helfen wir unseren Kunden in jeder Branche, sich für die Zukunft richtig aufzustellen.

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Immobilien-Trends auf den Punkt: Mit dem Cushman & Wakefield Blog bei den Themen von morgen mitreden können.


MarketBeats Deutschland

Quartalsaktuelle Marktzahlen und Trends in Deutschland und den TOP-5-Immobilienmärkten. Kurz, knapp und auf den Punkt.

Verkauf des US-Konsulats – viel mehr als nur eine Transaktion

Verena Bauer •06/05/2024

Research • Workplace

Office Fit Out Cost Guide




Verena Bauer •08/03/2024


Complete Asset Optimisation Guide

Verena Bauer •05/03/2024

Alles anzeigen


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.


Video • Investment / Capital Markets

Regional Office Market Trends

Patricia Staunton •27/06/2024


Porto Market Update

Andreia Almeida •24/06/2024

Video • Investment / Capital Markets


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

Sophie Schuller •18/06/2024

Alles anzeigen


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.


Video • Investment / Capital Markets

Regional Office Market Trends

Patricia Staunton •27/06/2024


Porto Market Update

Andreia Almeida •24/06/2024

Video • Investment / Capital Markets


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

Sophie Schuller •18/06/2024

Alles anzeigen



MarketBeats Deutschland

Quartalsaktuelle Marktzahlen und Trends in Deutschland und den TOP-5-Immobilienmärkten. Kurz, knapp und auf den Punkt.

Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer


Video • Investment / Capital Markets

Regional Office Market Trends

Patricia Staunton •27/06/2024


Porto Market Update

Andreia Almeida •24/06/2024

Video • Investment / Capital Markets


Alles anzeigen



MarketBeats Deutschland

Quartalsaktuelle Marktzahlen und Trends in Deutschland und den TOP-5-Immobilienmärkten. Kurz, knapp und auf den Punkt.

Research • Workplace

Paris Moves

The post-pandemic upheavals have reduced the demand for office space in Paris region. Companies in the Industrial sector remain in the lead, while the Luxury and Pharmaceutical sectors are increasing their volumes. Flexibility in workspaces and urban centrality are crucial, with marked geographical concentration for various sectors.

Olivier Taupin • 28/05/2024

Article • Workplace

Re-working the Workplace

Nicola Gillen •23/05/2024

Article • Workplace

The Latest Office Trends: Insights From Industry Experts

Ronan Corbett •23/05/2024

Alles anzeigen


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.


Video • Investment / Capital Markets

Regional Office Market Trends

Patricia Staunton •27/06/2024


Porto Market Update

Andreia Almeida •24/06/2024

Video • Investment / Capital Markets


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

Sophie Schuller •18/06/2024

Alles anzeigen



MarketBeats Deutschland

Quartalsaktuelle Marktzahlen und Trends in Deutschland und den TOP-5-Immobilienmärkten. Kurz, knapp und auf den Punkt.

Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer


Video • Investment / Capital Markets

Regional Office Market Trends

Patricia Staunton •27/06/2024


Porto Market Update

Andreia Almeida •24/06/2024

Video • Investment / Capital Markets


Alles anzeigen

Erfolgs-Stories in Deutschland

C&W: TRIIIO • Office & Workplace

"Cosy but clean" - unser hauseigenes Interior Designteam gestaltete unser neues Hamburger Büro ganz nach den Prinzipien des Bauhaus und der internationalen Moderne.

Erfolgs-Story lesen

UPFIELD • Office & Sustainability

Eine nachhaltig-stylische Arbeitswelt, so grün wie die Marke selbst: Das suchte das Startup Upfield für seine 70 Mitarbeiter. Passend zu den veganen Produkten und der Zielgruppe.

Erfolgs-Story lesen

advita Pflegedienst GmbH • Healthcare

Advita gestaltet die Zukunft der Pflege und setzt dabei auf das Kapital aus dem Sale & Lease Back der eigenen Pflegeimmobilien. Und seit mehreren Jahren auch auf unsere Verkaufs- und Verhandlungsexpertise.

Erfolgs-Story lesen

Kauri CAB Group • Retail & Shopping Center

Wegweisend: Das in die Jahre gekommene Shopping Center Forum Troisdorf bei Bonn wirdErlebnis- und Eventlocation mit völlig neuartigem Konzept.

Erfolgs-Story lesen

AEW • Logistics & Industrial

Vom ersten Spatenstich bis zur Übergabe an die Mieter: Mit einem präzisen technischen Projekt-Monitoring begleitete C&W die Entwicklung einer Logistikhalle im Rhein-Main-Gebiet.

Erfolgs-Story lesen

C&W: TRIIIO • Office & Workplace

"Cosy but clean" - unser hauseigenes Interior Designteam gestaltete unser neues Hamburger Büro ganz nach den Prinzipien des Bauhaus und der internationalen Moderne.

Erfolgs-Story lesen

Kauri CAB Group • Retail & Shopping Center

Wegweisend: Das in die Jahre gekommene Shopping Center Forum Troisdorf bei Bonn wirdErlebnis- und Eventlocation mit völlig neuartigem Konzept.

Erfolgs-Story lesen

Hamburger Software-Unternehmen • IT

Hell, einladend und geräumig sollte es sein, das neue Büro eines wachsenden Technologieunternehmens in Hamburg. Bei der Suche, Planung und Gestaltung der Büroräume setzte die Firma ganz auf unsere langjährige Expertise im Projektmanagement und Interior Design.

Erfolgs-Story lesen

C&W: The Westlight • Office & Workplace

Funktionale New Work-Atmosphäre kombiniert mit nachhaltigem Urban Jungle Look – in unserem Berliner Büro verbindet unser Interior Design Team beides. Und schafft so eine moderne Arbeitswelt für kreativen Austausch und Repräsentation nach außen.

Erfolgs-Story lesen



Cushman & Wakefield ernennt Pierre Nolte zum neuen Head of Offices & Leasing und stellt die Leitung der Office Agency in Berlin und Frankfurt neu auf.

Verena Bauer • 24/06/2024

Clemens von Arnim zum Regional Manager East ernannt

Clemens von Arnim übernimmt in Deutschland zusätzlich Funktion des Regional Manager Ost. Seine Berufung erfolgte im Rahmen der kürzlich abgeschlossenen Repositionierung des Unternehmens auf dem deutschen Markt.

Verena Bauer • 13/06/2024

Flex Offices weiterhin attraktiv

Im Jahr 2023 erzielten Flex-Office-Betreiber einen Büroflächenumsatz von 56.000 m2, was 2,7 Prozent des Gesamtumsatzes entsprach. In diesem Zeitraum wurden 27 Standorte neu eröffnet und 15 geschlossen. Die im vergangenen Jahr erfolgten Eröffnungen umfassten zusammen rund 55.000 m2, während Schließungen etwa 50.000 m2 betrafen.

Verena Bauer • 06/06/2024

Cushman & Wakefield stellt in Deutschland mit einem neuen organisatorischen Modell die Weichen auf noch mehr Kundennähe. Tina Reuter, im April dieses Jahres zur Deutschlandchefin von Cushman & Wakefield bestellt, setzt auf serviceübergreifende Beratungslösungen aus einer Hand.

Verena Bauer • 28/05/2024

Highrise-Study Frankfurt

Zum Ende des 1. Quartals 2024 waren in Frankfurt am Main 52 Hochhäuser mit einer Höhe über 45 Metern in Betrieb. Ihre Büroflächen von zusammen 1,77 Mio. m² entsprechen 15 Prozent des Büroflächenbestandes des Frankfurter Marktes, so eines der Ergebnisse der "Highrise-Study Frankfurt“ von Cushman & Wakefield (C&W).

Verena Bauer • 24/05/2024

Hohes Wachstum im globalen Rechenzentren-Markt

Das neueste „Global Data Center Market Comparison Ranking“ von Cushman & Wakefield verzeichnet ein hohes Wachstum des globalen Marktes für Rechenzentren, das sich über alle Regionen erstreckt und sowohl in neu entstehenden als auch in etablierten Märkten stattfindet.

Verena Bauer • 21/05/2024

Anhaltende Attraktivität der etablierten Luxusstandorte in Europa

Die anhaltende Attraktivität der etablierten Luxusstandorte in Europa führte im Jahr 2023 zu 107 Neueröffnungen in 16 Städten,so der erste „European Luxury Retail Report“ von Cushman & Wakefield.

Verena Bauer • 08/05/2024

Michael Fleck Branch Manager Frankfurt

Cushman & Wakefield hat Michael Fleck zum Niederlassungsleiter Frankfurt ernannt. Zusätzlich zu seiner neuen Rolle als Niederlassungsleiter führt Michael Fleck weiterhin das Frankfurter Capital Markets Team von C&W.

Verena Bauer • 30/04/2024

EMEA Living Sector Survey

Die Investitionen in den EMEA-Wohnsektor haben das Potenzial, in den nächsten fünf Jahren 70 - 85 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr zu erreichen, so eines der Ergebnisse der Studie EMEA Living Sector Survey von Cushman & Wakefield.

Verena Bauer • 25/04/2024

Tina Reuter ist offiziell zur Head of Germany der international tätigen Immobilienberatung Cushman & Wakefield bestellt. In ihrer neuen Rolle wird Tina Reuter für die strategische Ausrichtung und die Geschäftsentwicklung von Cushman & Wakefield in Deutschland verantwortlich zeichnen.

Verena Bauer • 18/04/2024

Ergebnis des 1. Quartals für Münchner Immobilieninvestmentmarkt besser als Gesamtjahr 2023

Das Transaktionsvolumen auf dem Münchner Gewerbeimmobilienmarkt erreichte nach Zahlen von Cushman & Wakefield im 1. Quartal 2024 mit 1,24 Mrd. Euro ein höheres Ergebnis als im Gesamtjahr 2023 (1,18 Mrd. Euro).

Verena Bauer • 15/04/2024

Münchner Bürospitzenmiete knackt 50-Euro-Marke und spiegelt Nachfragedruck für Innenstadt wider

Cushman & Wakefield hat für das 1. Quartal 2024 auf dem Münchner Bürovermietungsmarkt einen Flächenumsatz von rund 139.000 m² registriert – ein Anstieg um 24 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal.

Verena Bauer • 11/04/2024


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.


Video • Investment / Capital Markets

Regional Office Market Trends

Patricia Staunton, Head of Regions, Agency and Sean Coyne, Divisional Director, Regions, Agency sat down to discuss the current regional office market trends in Ireland and their impacts on landlord and occupier clients.

Patricia Staunton • 27/06/2024


Porto Market Update

Our report summarizes real estate market activity in the Porto region.

Andreia Almeida • 24/06/2024

Video • Investment / Capital Markets

Brendan Smyth, Director, Head of Industrial & Logistics and Karl Stewart, Director, Head of Retail, sat down to discuss the synergies between retail and logistics sectors, highlighting how they are moving towards potentially becoming a single, interconnected market despite some challenges.


Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

The Inclusive Cities Barometer evaluates the inclusiveness of 44 EMEA cities, including key cities such as Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Glasgow, Gothenburg, Edinburgh, Helsinki, Oslo, Rotterdam, Stockholm.

Sophie Schuller • 18/06/2024


Energy Consumption and Efficiency

The ESG team carried out a study on energy consumption in shopping centers. The analysis, which examined 35 Italian shopping centers managed by Cushman & Wakefield from 2019 to 2022, highlighted a reduction in energy consumption, partly due to the occurrence of the pandemic.

Francesca Altamura • 28/05/2024


Recovery Readiness Guide Sichere Rueckkehr ins Buero



Industrial Marketbeat

Industrial Marketbeat is a summary of the Poland industrial property sector providing comment on recent trends as well as market data and analysis.



Poland MarketBeat

Cushman & Wakefield MarketBeat reports analyse quarterly Poland commercial property activity across office, retail and industrial real estate sectors including supply, demand and pricing trends at the market and submarket levels.

Ewa Derlatka-Chilewicz • 31/05/2024


France MarketBeat Residential

The “Marketbeat Residential France” market review analyses activity on the residential real estate market in France.

Alexandra Paulin • 28/05/2024


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Insight | Germany | Cushman & Wakefield (74)

Insight | Germany | Cushman & Wakefield (2024)


What are the priorities of Cushman and Wakefield? ›

Cushman & Wakefield is committed to building a diverse and engaged workforce and supporting an inclusive environment where our employees can do their best work. We believe that embracing new perspectives helps us solve problems, create opportunities and develop new ideas.

Why do you want to work for Cushman and Wakefield? ›

You make an impact by shaping global communities and important places, from big tech, to wide open spaces. You make it on your own by working for a global company with unlimited opportunities and career growth. You feel understood, valaued, cared for, and heard.

What is the vision of Cushman and Wakefield? ›

To be the world's preferred real estate firm, providing the most creative and innovative services on a consistent basis, to drive meaningful value to our clients.

What do you know about Cushman and Wakefield? ›

We are a full-service global commercial real estate company with over 100 years of experience, 52,000 professionals and 400 offices worldwide. We are driven to solve complex problems, and we have the expertise and experience to bring solutions to life.

What are the three priorities of care? ›

Airway, breathing, and circulation are the ABCs, which you might have learned if you have taken a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) course.

What makes Cushman and Wakefield unique? ›

We are inclusive - We are a global company shaping diverse communities, inclusivity goes beyond an ethos into everyday action. We are driven - With a united belief that 'life is what we make it', we can be more driven, more agile and we can be ourselves.

What is the highest salary in Cushman and Wakefield? ›

The highest-paying job at Cushman & Wakefield is a Director with a salary of ₹49.8 Lakhs per year. The top 10% of employees earn more than ₹15.97 lakhs per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping ₹40 lakhs per year.

What's the best answer to why do you want to work here? ›

Talk about the company's mission, culture, and values that resonate with your interests. Mention how your transferable skills and personal qualities can contribute to the team, and how the role aligns with your long-term career ambitions.

Why should we hire you and why do you want to work here? ›

“I should be hired for this role because of my relevant skills, experience, and passion for the industry. I've researched the company and can add value to its growth. My positive attitude, work ethics, and long-term goals align with the job requirements, making me a committed and valuable asset to the company.”

What are the principles of Cushman and Wakefield? ›

Personal integrity and respect for others are our foremost standards of conduct. They fuel a culture of collaboration. A culture of trust. A culture of confidence.

What are the goals of Cushman and Wakefield company? ›

To mobilize and deliver our vast knowledge, resources and talent throughout the world on behalf of our clients, and to enable them to make the most informed real estate decisions.

Who is the CEO of Cushman and Wakefield? ›

What are the values of Cushman and Wakefield company? ›

We are a company built by over 100 years of digging deeper for insights, ideas, opportunities and innovation.
  • We make an impact.
  • We are inclusive.
  • We are driven.
  • We are collaborative.
  • We are insightful.

Who are Cushman and Wakefield rivals? ›

Top 10 Cushman & Wakefield competitors
  • Cresa.
  • Avison Young.
  • SquareFoot.
  • Eastdil Secured.
  • The Service Companies.
  • Colliers.
  • Altus Group.
  • Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis.

Is CBRE bigger than Cushman and Wakefield? ›

CBRE's brand is ranked #267 in the list of Global Top 1000 Brands, as rated by customers of CBRE. Their current market cap is $24.40B. Cushman & Wakefield's brand is ranked #514 in the list of Global Top 1000 Brands, as rated by customers of Cushman & Wakefield. Their current valuation is $3.67B.

What do Cushman and Wakefield do? ›

Cushman & Wakefield Inc. is an American global commercial real estate services firm.

What type of company is Cushman and Wakefield? ›

About Cushman & Wakefield

Cushman & Wakefield (NYSE: CWK) is a leading global commercial real estate services firm for property owners and occupiers with approximately 52,000 employees in nearly 400 offices and 60 countries.

Who competes with Cushman and Wakefield? ›

The main competitors of Cushman & Wakefield include FirstService (FSV), Terreno Realty (TRNO), Colliers International Group (CIGI), Innovative Industrial Properties (IIPR), Urban Edge Properties (UE), Forestar Group (FOR), Getty Realty (GTY), Kennedy-Wilson (KW), Claros Mortgage Trust (CMTG), and Ellington Financial ( ...

How do Cushman and Wakefield make money? ›

Property Management: Cushman & Wakefield generates revenue from managing properties on behalf of owners, charging management fees based on the value of the assets under management.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 6181

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.