Class Profile Report (2024)

About the Class Profile report: The Class Profile report is an intuitive, interactive, and actionable report that provides class- and student-level insights that help educators plan instruction. Built with interactive features, such as dynamic sorting, filters, and embedded Professional Learning resources, the Class Profile report consolidates data from MAP tests into easy-to-read views and offers decision-making tools to streamline classroom practitioners’ work.

Class Profile Report (1) Print Resources:

  • Class Profile Report Guide
  • Class Profile Troubleshooting Guide

In this topic, you'll find:

  • Getting started

  • Accessing the report

  • Reviewing Achievement Details

  • Reviewing Test Details

  • Exporting or Printing Your Data

  • Discovering Next Steps and Applying Insights

Getting started

Class Profile Report Video Tour (4 min.)

New to the Class Profile report? This video will give you a quick overview of what insights you can expect to gain from this powerful new tool.

Video transcript

Note: Elements of the Class Profile report have been updated, and your screens may not exactly match the screens featured in this video. For the most up-to-date instructions for navigating the Class Profile report, explore the annotated graphic below.

This annotated graphic will guide you through the main features of the Class Profile report (similar to the video above). Review these numbered steps with corresponding links to get started!

Class Profile Report (2)

Confirm that all the fields at the top of the screen reflect the data you'd like to review based on your selections when Accessing the Report section.

Review high-level class results in the Achievement Percentiles section.

Review results by grade level in the Comparisons section.

Review data for individual students in the Student Details section.

Review test event data, like students’ testing statuses, in the Test Details tab.

Useful report tools

Class Profile Report (3)

Use the Print PDF button to print or download the selected report tab.

Class Profile Report (4)

Use the Download CSV File button to export the data from the entire report as an editable CSV file.

Class Profile Report (5) Class Profile Report (6) Use the "More Information" icons for more information.

Accessing the report

To access the Class Profile report:

  1. Log in at
  2. Choose MAP Growth from the main menu. Then select Class Profile.
  3. Review the default values at the top of the report for “School,” “Tested,” and “Rostered,” and choose "Change selections” if needed.

    Class Profile Report (7)

    This will expand a section with all the fields you can adjust. After choosing field values, you can select “Make this my default Selection” to reduce repetitive selections.

    Class Profile Report (8)

    Select ”Update” and review the results.

  4. Review the field values for Instructor, Class, Subject, and Course and adjust as needed.

  5. Select “Update” and review the results.
  6. Class Profile Report (9)

    Note: Each time you change any of the fields, it’s important to select “Update” to refresh your data.

User roles and data access

Users with the role... Can access...
District Assessment Coordinator Class-level data for their schools
School Assessment Coordinator
Instructor Class-level data for the classes the instructor was rostered to in the current or previous academic year

Note: Most filters are sorted either alphabetically (for name-based filters) or chronologically (for time-based filters). However, a few filters have different defaults:

  • Subject defaults to Math (similar to Student Profile), then Language Arts, then Science.
  • Course defaults are:
    • When Math is selected from Subject: Course defaults to “Math K–12.” The remaining courses are alphabetical.
    • When Language Arts is selected from Subject: Course defaults to “Reading.”
    • When Science is selected from Subject:Course defaults to “Science K–12.” The remaining courses are alphabetical.

Tip: Save your filter selections as your default when accessing your report.

Choosing the correct report

The Class Profile report is designed to be a more intuitive and interactive update to the Class report, and can serve as a replacement for the Class report in most cases. However, there is still some data that can be found only in the Class report. The comparison of data and features table lists some key differences between the two reports.

Comparison of data and features: Class Profile report and Class report

Class Profile Report Class Report
Interactive sortable data (not a static report) No
Ability to navigate directly to individual Student Profile reports No
Data from screening tests No
Data from invalid test events No
Data from test events that do not meet growth criteria No

Reviewing Achievement Details

Achievement refers to a student’s performance in a given subject area. MAP Growth measures that performance using RIT scores, among other data points, which you’ll see in the Class Profile report. To put that achievement data into context, MAP Growth reports also compare students’ scores to national norms for other students in the same grade.

Achievement Percentiles:Performance compared to the national norms

Review the breakdown of your students across the different achievement percentiles to see how their performance compares to other students across the country.

Comparisons:Achievement by grade level

For classes with students in multiple grades, review the average RIT score and median percentile for students at each grade level.

Fewer than 10 students in a grade: If you have fewer than 10 students within a grade, the averages and medians in the Comparisons section may not provide useful data because the sample size is small. Instead, we recommend using the Student Details section to learn about your students' individual achievement measures.

Student Details: Individual student achievement details

The Student Details section includes all students rostered in the class you selected, regardless of whether they have test results. Student achievement results are grouped by which tests the students took.

Student Achievement

Achievement is reported using the following measures:

  • Percentile (RIT compared to grade-level norms)
  • RIT score on the test overall

  • Lexile (for reading only)
  • Quantile (for certain math tests only)

  • RIT scores for specific instructional areas

Note: Instructional area categories may be labeled differently depending on your test version or state assessment.

Interacting with Student Details data

  • Sort by columns: Click on column headers to sort in ascending or descending order.

  • Learn more about each student: Select a student’s name to open their individual Student Profile report in a new tab.

Students With No Test Results

Students who are rostered in the class you selected will appear on the Class Profile report, regardless of whether they have test results. Students without test results will be listed at the bottom of the report. If you’re unsure why certain students are lacking data, refer to the Class Profile Troubleshooting Guide.

Reviewing Test Details

For an overview of which tests your class took, as well as other test event data that can help you to interpret your class’s achievement results, select the Test Details tab.

Class Profile Report (10)

Find your class's testing statuses in the Test Details section.

Learn how many students in your class took each test in the What Tests Were Taken? section.

Identify which specific students have each test status or have taken each test in the Student Details section.

Test Details:Testing statuses for students

The Test Details section displays the testing status of all students using the following possible statuses:

Status Definition
Completed tests These students have completed tests and have not exceeded the Rapid-Guessing Percentage threshold of 30%.
Completed but retest is recommended These students have completed tests but have exceeded the Rapid-Guessing Percentage threshold of 30%. We recommend retesting these students so that you may collect more accurate data. Here are some resources about increasing engagement.
No score available or No test results

These students have either:

  • Not tested at all

  • Begun testing but have not finished

  • Taken a screening test

  • Taken a test that does not meet growth criteria

For more details about invalid tests, refer to Invalid Tests and Growth Criteria.

What Tests Were Taken?

This section lists the MAPGrowth tests taken by your class.

Student Details: Individual student achievement details

The Student Details section of the Test Details tab includes all students rostered in the class you selected, regardless of whether they have test results. They are arranged alphabetically by default.


Achievement data in the Test Details tab is the same data in the Achievement Details tab, except it does not include scores in specific instructional areas. The Achievement data includes:

  • Percentile (RIT compared to grade-level norms)

  • RIT score on the test overall

  • Lexile (for reading only)

  • Quantile (for math only)

Test Details

Column Name Definition

Standard Error of Measure (SEM)

Estimates the accuracy of your student’s test results. The closer it is to zero, the more precise your student’s test results may be. Typical SEM values for the MAP Growth range from 2.8 to 3.5, although the assessment is considered valid up to an SEM of 5.5. For more information refer to Standard error of measure: Definition and calculations.

Test Duration Indicates the amount of time your student took to complete their test. Typical test duration varies depending on the test assigned. For more information, review test length/duration details on Test Descriptions Summaryor consult Average MAP Growth Test Durations.
Rapid-Guessing Percentage

An answer is flagged as a rapid guess if the student answers significantly faster than the determined average response time for the test question, to the point where it is impossible that they’ve read the question with enough time to consider their answer. NWEA has determined that any student who has guessed 30% of the time or more will be flagged as recommended for retesting because their test results will not accurately represent their achievement.

Note for partners who view MAP Growth information from state assessments: Rapid guessing information is not available for assessment data derived from state assessments.

Test Taken Indicates the MAP Growth test each student was assigned and has completed. Dashes will appear in this column if no test was taken or there's no score available.
Test Date Indicates the date the test was taken.

Interacting with Student Details data

  • Sort by columns: Click on column headers to sort in ascending or descending order.

  • Learn more about each student: Select a student’s name to open their individual Student Profile report in a new tab.

Exporting or Printing Your Data

There are two different formats for exporting your data: PDF or CSV. (Note that although the button is called Print PDF, you also have the option to save a PDF file to your computer without printing).

Recommended: If you’d like to share a polished, print-ready summary of data with caregivers or colleagues, we recommend using the PDF option. If you or a colleague would like to sort or reorganize your class’s data in a data processing tool like Microsoft® Excel® or Google Sheets™, we recommend using the CSV option.

Example of CSV and PDFfiles downloaded from the Class Profile report:

Class Profile Report (11) Class Profile Report (12)

Differences between PDF and CSV options

Interactivity and ability to edit Static, uneditable data Interactive, editable data
Data included Includes only Achievement Details tab data or Test Details tab data, depending on which tab is displaying when you export Includes both Achievement Details and Test Details data in a single document
Appearance Polished graphics, similar to the Class Profile report interface Raw text and numbers in an unformatted spreadsheet file
Printing Optimized for printing Printing not recommended

Export or print a PDF

1.Navigate to the tab with the data you would like to export — either Achievement Details or Test Details.

2.Select the Print PDF button, or use your browser’s built-in print function.

3.Either print or save your PDF file, following your system dialog boxes.

4.Repeat the process if you would like to export or print a PDF of the other tab.

Export a CSV

  1. From either tab, select the Download CSV button. The CSV file always includes all Achievement Details and Test Details data.

  2. Follow your system dialog to save the file.

Discovering Next Steps and Applying Insights

Learn more about individual student results

After exploring overall class data in the Class Profile report, you may want to review detailed student-level information in the Student Profile report. Access the Student Profile report for any student listed in the Class Profile report by simply select their name.

Retest as needed

You may have identified students who need to be retested, based on their Rapid-Guessing Percentages, SEMs, or other factors. Here’s some guidance on the retesting process.

Apply your insights to instruction

As you start to interact with your class data, consider how your new insights may inform your instruction. You may start thinking about questions like:

  • What is the range of RITscores for these students?

  • Do you have students with scores well below or well above the others in the class? How might this influence how you plan for instruction?

  • How might you develop flexible learning groups to help provide more tailored instruction?

Explore NWEA resources

  • Teach. Learn. Grow. education blog: Our blog for educators has plenty of resources that can help you take the next steps with your class data. You can browse topics like creating flexible instructional groups, providing scaffolding, and more!

  • Professional Learning: NWEA offers additional Professional Learning opportunities for educators to increase their assessment literacy and strengthen their teaching practices. Check with your school to find out if you have access!

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Class Profile Report (2024)


What is included in a class profile? ›

Apart from the curriculum-related assessments, the class profile consists of much information on the learning interests and talents, learning profile (style and preferences), strengths and needs, socio-affective characteristic, multiple intelligences categories, etc.

What is the class profile report for teaching strategies? ›

When should I use the Class Profile report? This report can be generated on a weekly basis to help teachers plan lessons. It allows you to see at what level groups of children are demonstrating their skills, knowledge, and abilities. This also can assist in planning and scaffolding for small-group activities.

What is a grade level class profile? ›

The Class Profile Report compares information about the children in your classroom with widely held expectations for their age or class/ grade during a particular checkpoint period. This report will inform and support your planning for small- and large-group activities, as well as activities for individual children.

What must be included in a profile? ›

Elements of Career Profiles
  • Overview - Brief summary of main responsibilities, work settings, job titles, and role in its industry.
  • Daily Responsibilities - Breakdown of typical daily tasks and projects. ...
  • Required Skills - Key hard and soft skills needed to excel, from technical expertise to communication abilities.
Feb 7, 2024

What is profile class? ›

A profile class splits users into different categories based on their electricity consumption and load profile. There are currently 9 different classes that you could be placed in. These consumption patterns monitor patterns in usage to help manage the network and provide better services.

What are profile grades? ›

Profile grades are viewed as an indicator of a student's potential ability to succeed at degree level study and are used by universities when deciding on admission. Profile grade requirements will vary depending on the degree course and the university.

What is a graded profile? ›

The graded profile often consists of multiple concave curves. Causes of these include the great increase in volume of water at confluences of streams. Baulig (1950) cited the example of the confluences of the fast-flowing, heavily loaded Isère and the slower flowing Rhône in France.

How do you write a class observation report? ›

Organize: Categorize your observations into sections like classroom setup, teaching techniques, and student behavior. Analyze: Reflect on how the observed practices align with educational theories, goals, and standards. Write: Begin with an introduction, then describe your observations in detail, analy.

How do you write a grade report? ›

You should use clear, objective language when you write a report. Report writing should not include emotive words and should focus primarily on being clear, accurate and concise. This is because the goal of a report is to communicate the facts, as opposed to convincing readers to think or feel a certain way.

What does a learner profile include? ›

Learner profiles may include any of the following information about a student: Background information on their family, culture, and community. Academic strengths, knowledge, skills, and samples of their work. Leadership and character traits.

What should be included in the profile section of an IEP? ›

The Learning Profile section of the IEP is a new component that focuses on the identification of strengths and stretches (areas for growth) within the Core Competencies of Personal, Social and Intellectual Development. Students will choose one or more Core Competency areas to focus on for this school year.

What should be included in a personality profile? ›

A personality feature, also known as a profile, is an in-depth look at a person's lifestyle, characteristics, emotions, hobbies, appearance or just what makes the person tick. Vividly described in colorful prose, it usually allows the reader to place himself in the eyes of the reporter or writer.

What is included in a person's profile? ›

It typically includes information about the subject's background, education, career, hobbies, interests, and personality traits. A profile can be presented in various forms, such as a written article, a video, or an audio recording.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.